Just a few thoughts on putting together your own set for playing Drinking Jenga.... You need to strike a good balance between drinking and non-drinking tiles.
The Big List of Drinking Jenga Tiles | StumbleUpon.com
Glahefriends' Drinking Jenga - ConnActivity Inc: ISP Services, Web. ... compiled this little set of pages to keep track of the Glahefriends' Drinking Jenga. The Big List of Tiles [including ones not yet in editions] Guidelines on Creating.
Drinking jenga list tiles
Tile Set Creation Guidelines - Glahefriends' Drinking Jenga
Drinking Games - Happy-Hour.com
Drinking jenga list tiles - This should proceed from of anniversary quotes for boyfriend the Irish. There are hundreds of drinking games used to. very large board or a checkered tile floor. Some Drunk Jenga players have a special Jenga set reserved just for drinking. Find out more about The Big List of Drinking Jenga Tiles, like comments, which Stumblers liked it, how many Stumbles it got, who added it and what related content is.
drinking jenga list of tiles The Webtender: Drinking game: Jenga